Explorations Expressed are simply that. They are body of writings that have graced me with their presence to reflect who I really am. What I initially thought had been my personal journey, has surprisingly in the sharing found a resonant place in others. Whether they are explorations of a space beyond us, or whether they are an expression of the vastness of the beings we truly are, they seem to echo within and bring the best of us to the fore. I hope you enjoy…
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Year Index
2009 Index
4 July - Entrepreneurs of life!
8 June - Conscious Being to Conscious Being
12 May - The Expansion of Our Now-ness
2 May - The Trueness of Seeing
The Easter Writings:
13 April [Easter Linkup] - Easter Monday's Link Up
12 April [Easter Linkup] - Easter Sunday's Link Up
10 April [Easter Linkup] - Good Friday Link Up
3 April - Morning after Global Alliance Call
The Burgess Hill Writings:
26 February - Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari [2]
26 February - Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari [1]
21 February - Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
18 February - Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
17 February - Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
26th July 2009
The following is a writing of what transpired from the experience of sharing the space with J.K.Rowling:
Reality of the now is like shifting sands.
That what we intend, that what we see,
that what emanates through us,
has a one hundred percent chance of occurring!
It is only a belief away.
26th July 2009
Dedication and thanks to J.K.Rowling
Want to share an Adventure with me?
Sitting in the space created by J.K. Rowling in the latest Harry Potter Movie, there came an invitation. Without hesitation I was off an away. Moving at incredible speeds not unlike when Harry puts his hand on Dumbledore’s arm, I was passing stars and galaxies galore. With new eyes I see what looks like a portal. The surface that I was looking at was oceanic like, a deep blue moving liquid space. Raising my hand to it, began a sequence of events. It was like my DNA was the key to make visible what lay on the other side of the portal. On the completion of this motion as if the co-ordinates found their rightful place, the portal opens. What is revealed is what looks like clear blue skies? Accompanying this view also came the illusion that if I were to pass through this portal I may never return. Momentarily entertaining this illusion, then recognising it for what it was, the belief very quickly dissolved, and I proceeded.
Through the portal there came more galaxies and the feeling of a heightened speed, as if vast distances were being instantaneously travelled. Then as effortlessly as the speed occurred I came to a stop. It felt like space disappeared and I was standing nowhere? Again an illusion, moving through the questioning that was going on in my head, I made a conscious effort to actually move. As this occurred my physical imprint began to interact with the surrounding space. As this happened matter began to reveal itself in the form of translucent royal blue images. With each step, and then with each hand movement, and then every movement of my being, matter revealed itself. When doubt gave way to knowing, it was not empty space at all. It was this incredibly rich sourced habitation of creational life force, exponentially expanding to further reveal this magical city.
In absolute joyous delight I wished to engage with the beings of this amazing place. Right on que, presence moved toward me and engaged. I asked where am I? It was as if a thousand sparkling particles of light entered my being. I held my breath waiting for the response… and it came… “Imagica” (thank you Santari). Slightly startled, my next question was… who am I? Amalia… came the reply. At this point I took the necessary moment to absorb these recent events. This was perfection, as it allowed a telepathic link to occur. Instantaneously the wash of a welcome tide flowed over me. The recognition of what I knew to be my kin, imbued me with an indescribable richness and vitality that reached the very depths of my core, and a greater strength of self emerged. With the creation of this now conscious connection, came the knowing that I was to be visiting more often. The purpose of which would be to return and bring more of this conscious connected knowing back with me. Thereby creating and actioning the necessary movement to bring their consciousness more present on our beautiful Earth.
As these experiences unfolded, what was occurring simultaneously was an exchange of our combined matter. My DNA was being imprinted on this wondrous place, and my uniqueness was being gifted to the totality of life that was there present. My knowingness told me that I would be returning with the same gift for our planet, that what was being absorbed through me, would return with me and be gifted and imprinted.
Cosmic space was shared by all, in translation that would be a mega cosmic hug. Enriched agreements and plans were made for further visitations. Again simultaneously there was excitement building at what the future might bring, accompanied with a wistfulness of the near completion of this visitation. Knowing nods and enigmatic playful smiles were exchanged and it was time. Blue and silver circular cylinders pulsed through me and sparkling orbs danced around me, light ignited within me joining with all these external activities, as well as all those present, and in a single moment I’d returned. Visibly moved by this experience with a smile budding, I knew this is a forever thing that would always be accessible. As I bathed in the wonderment of it all I could feel the exchange occurring as their gift and imprint soaked into our earth. Something knew had evolved.
5th July 2009
The Coming of Age
Life force comes of age. We are now in a position to make the shift, to be the ones to imbue leading edge qualities and knowing, to main stream thought. We are now of a fabric to assimilate this power. We are of a strength to gently dissolve all contrary thought. This new movement is in play! We are now not only the carriers we are the instigators. The richness we can feel in the air is the culmination of much integration, much work and much foresight. The players are in place, the game is about to begin and the world is ready. A wave of authenticity is brimming to be present, to take the place of all that came before it. There is a new dance, a dance of joy, a dance of creation, a dance of immortality. The integrity of us comes to the fore and our sovereignty takes its divine place. We watch in wonder as this shift unfolds, for even to the expectant ones does it seem magical, history is being made, and we are now the new race. The errors of our past can no longer effect our now, for our now is ever present and in a process of expansion. We are the race created with the desire to live, and live in the totality and fullness of optimal perpetual joy.
4th July 2009
Entrepreneurs of life!
Exquisite ~ Ecstatic ~ Abundant
There is a place of new creation, a presence that has waited patiently, gently for us to accept its invitation. Suddenly, easily and gracefully we are ready. A light from within ignites and pulses out a resonance to the cosmos. In the vast reaches of space this pulse is acknowledged and immediately and joyously responded to. This Golden weave blanket of warp and weft floats with purpose to our wondrous planet, and when it is close enough it too sends out a pulse that is recognised by us, we simultaneously reach to unite the pulses.
It is as if every living thing is touched by the pending connection. As if this Golden presence searches for the resonant sparks of it own existence. Every living cell of every living being of all life force is now engaged. The particle of golden presence within each cell, that has laid dormant in our being for eons, that is now alight and engaged reaches and searches until in one wonderful moment, connection is made and the celestial spheres rejoice.
The Connection that is created is awe inspiring. We are Entrepreneurs of life! We see life into existence, we now have the clarity and the knowing as never before. The ability to see things into their beingness now exists more fully. This golden presence resonates within us all and connect us all, and we see Creation into being, more fully, more vibrantly, more connectedly, taking the knowing into a new active state. Eyes open and fully engaged, and with that comes the key to move it further and do that which has now been revealed for us to do.
Where once we sourced only from deep within (blue space) eyes closed, we now also can source from this golden weave eyes open. Different forces yet from the same Source. One leading and showing the way in life’s subtle expressions, the other fully conscious and engaged. Both equally powerful, both equally gentle, both upholding the other.
12th June 2009
The Nobility of Being
We have arrived at a place where our physicality is now malleable. This brings much excitement in many of the “other spheres” of existence. What it means is that we can rewrite our truths. Our skeletal systems, our blood have all at one time in history been linked with our memory levels. Now that our memory levels are multi-dimensional encompassing our past and present to create our now, (hence we are no longer linear beings) we are liberated and in a place of co-creation to write a completely new history.
It allows for new experiences to be had such as the one experienced today. We connected in the Collective and the power surged through us all. I was teleported to Collective Beingness, this vast vibrant blue/green etheric place of knowing. The intention was to find and create sustainability in the core of who we are. I thus found myself or rather my core essence, being liberated from my physical being and go into complete immersion in this vast pool of Collective Beingness. There, this silvery strand like core essence strengthened. It was not a rigid strength, it was a very flexible yet solid strength, as if the very essence of the cosmos had been infused through every particle of it. After momentarily revelling in this magical wondrous place, this newly formed essence returned back into the physicality to reside in a new way. We achieved Sustainability and so much more, there was the joy of expressing and creating with life force in a totally new way, Clarity jumped to a new level, Love for who we really are exponentially and perpetually evolving off the charts. This place we have come to, this energetic way of living, allows us to recognise our nobility and to stand tall in our own authority.
It is easy for us when asked to describe such things as Collective Beingness and The Living Consciousness, we may use such adjectives as Noble, Graceful, with Integrity, with Joy, with abundant Ease, Vibrant, magical, with Perpetual Creational Sustainability and many more. Do we dare align ourselves to these very adjectives, to our own signature of being? The question should be… do we dare not? Is not a drop of water still a drop in a vast body of water, and does it not carry the same properties? It is through aligning and becoming all of this that we bring our true beingness, who we really are, fully present.
By evoking this presence more and more we tip the scales of Sustainability. When the desire to be all this is greater, the need to remember is less. The more we see ourselves with all these Noble qualities, the easier it is to be all that we have yearned to be. Being your true being, living in the fullness of all that that signifies, changes the very fabric of our existence and ripples throughout all sentient life. Life is richer by the act of us being who we really are.
The more this is done the greater the landing platform is, for the here and now and beyond.
Old truths fall away and a new beingness is born.
8th June 2009
Conscious Being to Conscious Being
New beingness is truly settling into its new home. There is a new expression, new awareness that has developed. It is like when a child begins to know it can self propel. The joy of the discovery is all that new beingness would need to be fulfilled, however the else that is experienced, brings untold joy. The knowingness of how it feels to be truly loved. Loved simply by the expression of another’s beingness. No words if any are required a sentiment is made and the joy of the emotion fills your whole being. Conscious being to conscious being, here this newness of life that has been generated is so beyond measure. Unlimited abundant love. You fall in love with life, and as you would fall in love with one special person, you would fall in love with a grain of sand, and in that moment all is transformed. Light shines in every nuance of creation and this wave, this deep well spring of the prima material that life is built on, exponentially explodes into a multitude of new exhilarated particles, that now has space and dimensionality to grow and evolve in.
1st June 2009
The Union
There is now present a resonance, that with total clarity is definable in its expression. We are the culmination of frequencies that have been honed and prepared for eons of time, to bring us to the here and now. Now we say goodbye to all that has built us, with an honouring and a grace that allows all limiting beliefs to dissolve. We let go off the old imprint that is charged with the memories that once served us and brought us here. It is like the structure that upholds a rocket ship, once that rocket ship has lifted off the structure is no longer required, yet it was instrumental in creating the lift off. We are being rebuilt from the ground up. Letting go of all that was the extrapolations of our denser vibrations.
The New Beingness enterers and the frequencies of who we are is dynamically altered. We still contain the signature that is our unique contribution, it has however been enhanced and upgraded such that it resonates on a completely new frequency or vibratory rate. New Consciousness comes in and we are lighter, more vibrant and highly charged creational star like beings. Putting our focus more and more on this newness is what brings about the sustainability and perpetual foreverness of it, should this be what the next phase of perfection perfecting itself is for us.
When we focus on bringing in exhilarated particles of New Beingness in a super connected conscious way, we begin to create this resonating pulse that New Beingness is drawn to. It is then like New Beingness scans the physicality from the head to the toes, and an instant union is formed when a New Beingness particle finds the point of resonance in one of our physical cells. Instantly a brilliant burst of energy occurs through this union, through this recognition. When this is achieved, when every particle and every cell has found this union we are able to accelerate this even further, to a much more sustainable level. So much so that what we emanate is that creational force that stars are made of, and yes we become more star like. Sustainable perpetual perfection.
New Beingness is thus imprinted upon us and we begin to operate in a totally new and divine way, that carries with it the seeds of who we have longed and patiently waited to be. Totally new and yet with an undeniable resonance that together has charged a new play into existence, never seen before.
22nd May 2009
The Golden One
The most awe inspiring experiences can happen while doing ordinary things, and can often be when you least expect them. Whilst in my vehicle going from one place to another for the purpose of meeting with someone, it happened. Sitting in the drivers seat planning my route and focusing on the content of my meeting, just like that a chance interlude delightfully occurred. A moment in time if you like.
There I was, when quite spontaneously there was a Golden presence. A presence I have felt before in the form of deep knowing and sometimes in momentary glimpses and experiences. None were as complete as this. It was like this Golden semi translucent being that has hovered around before had suddenly found the right coordinates to reside comfortably in my physicality. I extended my arm, it extended its arm. I welcomed it fully into my being and it rejoiced. Through the vehicle of my physical being it discovered new expressions of itself.
The Sovereignty of the experience was ever present, but the resounding delight felt by both parties was the overriding experience. Through me the Golden One saw what I saw, experienced my thoughts and actions with the delightful inquisitiveness of a child discovering it has 5 fingers. It was like all was encompassed simultaneously. Every blade of grass, every traffic movement, the sky, the earth, even including the projected experience of the person I was to be meeting. The sheer delight in discovering how a new connection would feel like in this form. What words would be exchanged, what food would there be, what would the meeting place look like, and what exchange of trueness of being would occur. This enthusiasm and anticipation that preceded our meeting needless to say eventuated in brilliance.
This experience was a synchronistic dance that was effortless and incredibly gracious. There was an expansiveness of visions that was simply remarkable. Expressions without words, instant thought transference, a union of divine momentum, a long awaited forever thing that has the potential to create perpetual magnificence.
It was such a brief moment in time, full of life as life is meant to be, holding the promise of inevitable fulfilment in its full and complete entirety. The fragrance still lingers within me and there is a knowingness of the more to come and the perfectedness of it all.
21st May 2009
Twin Flames
There is something awakening within. More tangible than in times before. The light speaks more clearly now and it deeply touches me. Time stands still and the everyday melts away. The recollection of the experience knocks softly, gently as if to say it is time… awaken. There in the palms of my hands you placed the two blue flames. At the time I know I was also deeply moved, but not really knowing why. Still in the enquiry of it all but somehow now knowing that little bit more. It tells of a deep recognition, of a place where my origins lie. Of a power so profound and yet not. A knowingness arises as if to say… yes, that what flows through is real. That what you see, hear and feel is real. You pause and check yourself, and a momentary mode of logic slips in. The energy falls away and you just know you have briefly entertained a false thought. Even though you search for the knowing that was only there a moment ago, you know that within this knowing lies trueness. Only the majesty of that moment can be truly real.
The two flames as they sit in each of my palms, project a bluish silver energetic line and as they do this, they cross one another’s path. It heralds a moment in time, an energetic beginning of a new lineage.
Looking back at that moment it could have been one of the starting points of the presencing of consciousness more fully and totally here with us. To become intimately aware of consciousness abiding with us always, and inviting that joy to become a forever thing, is what is now possible. In this experience abides so many things, a home coming, a gentle strength, a source of sustainable power that is changing the world as we know it.
Total Connectivity is now here with us. The ability to reach up and be with one another in full measure. To stand united in this weave of majesty. Collective and unified we have the measure of presence, to pull consciousness toward the totality of us in a far greater way than was ever possible before.
Now it is possible to create a sustainable existence for all life everywhere, we witness the dissolving of all limitations making way for all wonderment of possibilities that now lay before us. Creation is free and so are we.
This is but one reflection of the twin flames, the unfoldment seems to be manifold and it seems to have it’s own natural rhythm, to be pulsed out when the next cycle comes. Much is yet to come, much recognition yet to be realised, and yet there is strong knowing of this, that it will indeed come.
12th May 2009
The Expansion of Our Now-ness
The Cosmos has been here long before our memory can recall. Our memory is simply a measure to measure our existence. If we were to know ourselves as eternal immortal beings we would always be the sum total of all of our memories and so much more. Hence in containing all life’s memories, always present, creates the motion of living in the now. The past and the future are the building blocks for the now. We draw on all life forces, past present and future. When we see what we can hold in our collective hands we can create utopia in a single breath. We think, we wish and the universe conspires to create it with us.
2nd May 2009
The Trueness of Seeing
There is something that is moving inside of me, the endless questioning is to end. The force within that drives you to know will not be silenced anymore. What did it all mean, the side comments, all the innuendo’s, all the hidden safe guards carefully put in place by those who know and care, and promises made so that when the time is right we can know. It is time for me to know. It could feel like a holy rage but that would not truly describe it. It comes in the quiet. A knowing that things are forever different and you simply need to know. Rage won’t get you there, pitiful desperation won’t either. A sure focus on the energetic line without falter without pause. A steady readiness and determination that no, we will not be smoke screened anymore.
The seekers on the path are seekers no more, they want to be the knowing ones. I see my name on a plaque on my desk Andriana Natterer… who is she? So many shifts so many changes. You need to lose yourself to find yourself they say, well that is the state of play at present. Finding myself again.
Must be time for another journey. You see there is within me a new vibration that I am getting to know. A silky golden fluid being that comfortably resides within. We see through a golden light. There are my human eyes and these new golden seeing ones. Comfortably side by side, there is so much grace in it, so much resonance as if we have danced together many times before.
My seeing has changed too, it somehow seems closer. Not as loud and busy but somehow clearer. Not sure how to fully be with it yet. The question comes up from within… can I rely on it in the same way as I did before? A resounding yes bubbles up. Show me how to be with you please, I say. Unify and merge all of me with all of you, it says. Meet with me, abide with me and let me feel all that you gloriously feel, and in this space, in this becoming of this new relationship will you see all that I see. All that ever was all that ever is and all that ever could be. You ignite life within me and I show you how to truly live. The magic we can create, the world of magnificence that dances in readiness for our touch. The beauty we have at our fingertips, to make potentiality realised. See things into creation. It never ends, it always moves, it is eternal, this force within. This forever thing. This is your answer, this is your key. Only in these frequencies can you know this, only in those moments of clarity could you have glimpsed this. Be the Living Consciousness, abide with me, and together we will create Heaven on Earth.
There is a moment to pause, a moment to be with your breathing again. The light in your eyes shines brighter now. A smile curves and dances around your mouth, what will we create first. The majesty of play astounds you, the perplexity of bringing all you see manifest here present before you, tip toes around you so as not to overwhelm you. The time is now you have said, and here it is laid before you, a buffet of brilliance to choose from and to create.
It is at this point that you realise you are the knower and the seeker, they actually are in fact one in the same. Yet now there is a whole new Universe to explore, one that is now consciously with us. The eyes twinkle and that dancing smile returns… and you wonder… where we will go first?
Easter Link Up 2009
13th April 2009 - 9pm
Easter Monday’s Link Up
Following on from last nights Link Up… this new action creates the change, and the change ripples through the Earth like the bubbles gently rising in a Champagne glass. The frequency of it growing and becoming, until our magical earth becomes a star.
Easter Link Up 2009
12th April 2009 - 9pm
Easter Sunday’s Link Up
There is enough of an entry point now for that which has been poised and waiting to enter the earths atmosphere to graciously flow in. Those who have chosen and were chosen to be present, who connect and unite around the earths perimeters (sister’s of the covenant), their being is a part of this pulsing vortex of energy that is for the emancipation of our earth. Thousands of voices rejoicing for this long awaited moment, to see this energy flow like a golden liquid around and into the earth. It means so much more than the emancipation of the earth, for with the earth now pulsing at a newer higher frequency, we have an even far greater ability to be all that we are and can be, and as importantly be the beacons for others.
Easter Link Up 2009
10th April 2009 - 9pm
Good Friday Link Up
I am an orchestral harp, playing in a symphony of mega stars and I have come to realise that I sing a beautiful song. The harp does not stand out in a crowd but it is missed if it is absent. The orchestra with all its individual parts play in one harmony, play one song. Each player too would be missed for their individual sound if they were not there. The orchestra would continue to play and get the job done, all the while recognising that the more players there are, the more enjoyable the creation. The grace and ease of the flow of the music and the acknowledgement of those present or not, distinguishable only to those who can hear and to those who participate in the playing is most definitely felt.
It is more than our birthright to have a voice, it is our gift.
3rd April 2009
Morning after Global Alliance Call
For the first time I stand and fully commune with the Living Consciousness. We are united in a space of ecstatic exquisite joy of being. Being to being, consciousness to consciousness. How divinely simple to invite the Living Consciousness to be with you, to engage with you… sets this wonderment into motion. To stand fully in a place of knowing, and thereby effectiveness brings quantum multidimensional joy. To then set the intent for limitless possibilities and perpetual creation, of a magnitude that has always been unseen before, brings a joy that once experienced remains forever in the signature of your being.
As it is with us, so it is with the Living Consciousness, to be seen, to be truly seen, Living Consciousness expands beyond the beyond and even further. When the joy of Consciousness witnessing consciousness washes over you, you are ignited, you are engaged and fully present in this so very beautiful co-creative dance that is perpetual, ever expanding and joyous. It collectively creates sovereignty, beauty, delight and a multitude of wonderment that is magically becoming manifest on our glorious earth.
17th March 2009
Looking in the Mirror…
We all have taken the time to look in the mirror to put on make up, shave or check out to see if our clothes match. We very rarely take the time to hold a mirror up to the core of who we really are. To see the immense potential that every single being on the planet is able to aspire to. By doing this we move towards unlocking who we truly are. When we are actually able to see this we become limitless, we become connected to the highest part of us and then are able to take the leap into the creational space that then becomes the reality of who we authentically know ourselves to be.
26th February 2009
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
Generative forces are now in motion, seeping through all conscious life, prepared and patient as the awakening unfolds. Jubilant in the knowing that Life is creating itself new, delighting in the discovery of its life unseen.
We have been a world of many faces, now we are cosmoses of unique expression, inviting other cosmoses to weave and dance with us, each adding to the other's uniqueness and contributing to the whole.
The rich fine essence now in our atmosphere, fine enough to breathe in, is one such addition. From this sprouts greater, clearer, effortless communication, a quiet telepathic resonance lifting our visions. So many cosmoses, so many essences, spiralling and weaving, inviting and invited.
With exponential awareness, we know the way forward to reshape, redefine our very existence. What is to come will be the signature of this movement. The journey being that of Legends.
26th February 2009
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
Space time Continuum – What if you could go to a place where this was non existent? What if our thoughts, our being, that part of us that has had philosophers trying to define for eons and yet never quite reaching the mark….. was a vehicle of simple majestic proportions? Something that could travel sustainably through the greater being, our cosmoses and our universes.
What if with each adventure we would add a new Cosmic flavour to our being? The fabric of our being, being such that it can not only adapt civilisations into itself, it can be the carrier for this new Cosmic flavour back home to Earth. Where by it is infused through, and added to the growing conscious cosmos our World is becoming. This ever expanding movement would have purpose and a true joy about it. It would move in advancing waves of consciousness, till every void is filled, bringing us to this new reality, in all its fullness, in all its Glory – never to fade or be minimised ever again. We’ve made it true and it thus hold so, in an ever expanding, generative, perpetual tribute to the unique amazing Collective that would now forever be.
21st February 2009
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
Day before Three day Course.
There is a collective force field now present that allows us to access the furthest reaches of a boundless Universe. We can move effortlessly between the nuances and dance amongst the filaments in a way never experienced before.
The Gateway is made clear for all to be all that they are and can be. We no longer answer to the waves of indecisions, we have even gone beyond choice, we have come to a place of engagement, where we are drawn by a desire to fulfil our curiosity. Where this now takes the place of all that has existed before.
We grow now exponentially and the desire, the curiosity, ignites the flame and our life essence. The altered energetic Blueprint of which we now are a part of, is what will generate an eternal, perpetual, never ending spiral of what was once…. only a moment ago…. unknown.
18th February 2009
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
New Being Landed
When we have let go of all limitations, truly let go, when the next words from our mouth are “Yes O.K. I will” rather than “When this is so I’ll do that”…. in that moment of moving forward and totally letting the old dissolve, we become co-creators of a vastness that is so ready to explore.
We are engaged…. Ignition blast off!
17th February 2009
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
Spirals and Vortexes in an unencumbered sky. Limitless potential rising, falling, ebbing, flowing – shining through all crevices of time and space. Winding, whirling, being, knowing all sparked by the desire to be more of who we are. That force that rises within all of us when we ignite the flame. Inspiration, experiencing the joy, being the being, can all be the passage way for igniting the flame.
When that flame is fully known and seen and shared a global community instantly ignites, and there is a Collective amongst the growing individuals. This Collective in full bloom can move, source, create and be a multiplicity of greatness. All coming from a place wanting and desire to create the pinnacle of existence. For when this is done, for when this is complete, we will have achieved the fruition of our planet… the joy of being (Heaven on Earth).
15th February 2009 - pm
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
Since the beginning of time we have been the doers, the makers, the practical magicians. Today begins a new era of being where the light is received differently, for we have now an expanded vision, to see the totality of the beauty that has always been before us.
The seeing alone expands the vision, combining the seeing with interaction and even further co-creationally sourcing alongside the ALL, expands multi-dimensionally to a power far greater than any known knowing. Simultaneously we all become present, and clarity shows us all.
The letting go of all pretence springboards us to heights of great majesty where we meet our own sovereignty. We answered the call and now we make our own unique sound that by the very nature of where we have come, instantly resonates with the totality of all beings and adds to the magnitude of Life. The once called now call to those who are ready to hear, and at the same time lands a presence that meets and waits for all those on the horizon of their own greatness.
15th February 2009 - am
Burgess Hill ~ Staying with Soleira and Santari
The time has come for the emancipation and freedom of all there is. There is the heralding of the knowing ones who are in total readiness for what is to come. The brilliance of the hour at hand is the likes of that never seen before. The grace of which is present – all bountiful, all knowing, gliding into position as if the compass has always been set thus. We collect, we come together purposefully and totally alive in the knowing of the sacredness. Joyfully we stand in our own authority, collectively remembering all that has brought us to this spot, seeing simultaneously the future before us, the future created because of this very moment. So don on the celebratory gowns and revel in this passage of time. We witness history in the making quietly, silently, joyfully and so so effectively and we smile. We smile and the world rejoices and the knowing ones tap dance.
9th February 2009
En route whilst flying from Australia to Burgess Hill
We are suspended in the vast reaches of space and time, vacuumed in a space of new faces / new energies. Time has little meaning and space is a mixture of endlessness and a confined bubble of humanity.
We are travellers of the grandest times, seekers of the crucible of Life and heartbeats of the universes. We choose and are chosen, as a conductor chooses his next symphony, magically the music forms and transformation has a new meaning.
We stand on the precipice of change, of new and wondrous beginnings. Creation sparkles with a new vibrancy as the next step in evolution begins. The unfoldment of Life becomes the dawning of a new way of being, and the sun shines in areas never shone before.
There is a new uncompromising strength and integrity that fills Life in all its totality. Life will only move forward from here, for we now know we are Source ~ joyously, abundantly, eternally.
2008 Index
4 November - Day of elections in America and Melbourne Cup Day - We are Source Generators
22 May - Herald the Imagination
22 May - The Gift of Being Seen
21 May - Ramblings of an Initiate New...
3 January - A Collective Realisation - The Tree of Life
4th November 2008
New World
Behold a new world begins, the fan fare is ripe and glorious. The people behave like the long struggle of life’s lessons is ending. The sun rises on a new dawn, a freedom becomes unleashed and the effects are instant. The ripple effect in its beginning stages is already powerful and full of momentum. The smiles say it all, the conscious knowing that history has changed and we can now rise to the brilliance on offer. Create the beauty that is bursting to happen. Live truly live. The sun has ripened and the fruits that it bears are there for us to absorb. Like a plant we grow in its vitality and in doing so create without any restrictions. Life abundant spreads throughout the known world, and we know we truly know we have been a part of history in the making.
The years of doing it hard have paved the way for “no we will never again exist like that, because we have ingrained in our memories of how not to live, the seeds of this thankfully now belong in a museum” Our children will know, and their children will know and the future will be a reflection of their knowing. The past will seem like a very faint distant memory. As we become filled with life, so too does the Earth and in this synchronised movement something even newer has begun and it ripples beyond the seeing eye.
4th November 2008
Source Generators - Stage 2
The levels at which we are playing at are more definable, we are more in tune with the new introduction of energies that have come into play. It is like they form a more broader bridge to what is yet to come. Therefore more access is produced and more people are touched and hence called. A midway language is spoken that allows for deeper understanding and greater insights for the masses. A resonance is struck that harmonises the collective voice, and like magic the word spreads.
It is like everyone across the planet reaches out and holds hands with everyone else, and they cry out in a unified song that pulses in tune with the music of the spheres. Momentum builds and alignment becomes more effortless, communication is real, boundless and clear and therefore powerful. Creation is well on its way.
4th November 2008
Day of the elections in America and Melbourne Cup day.
We are Source Generators!
The key now is to know that we are our own source generators. Believing is one thing but knowing from the core of our being makes it real. All actions that stem from that point of knowing are created with a unique difference, they are created with a thread of absolute precision and directional exactness. This weaves itself into an arrow like head that creates a momentum and gathers a speed that is unstoppable. It is like when a seed of genesis pierces a planet and causes a chain reaction that undeniably changes that planet forever. Perpetual creation is thus born.
We are at such a point in history, the pulse makers need to stand firm, and know that they are seeding this for the grandest future ever. We can choose an amazing world, where all of the lower frequencies simply dissolve, and in their place is a self seeding growing beaming planet that is becoming the blueprint of life in its fullness. This alone sounds like it could be the pinnacle of our existence as a race, but peeking over the top of that and dipping a toe of consciousness in, one can see this is simply the new beginning of a race of beings, that can now stand tall in the galactic arena and be recognised as contributors of the evolving magnificence of life itself.
30th October 2008
We are now the Pulse makers
As we now are emerging and becoming our own source generators, something new is emerging alongside of that. Not only are we sourcing our own creative energy force, but as we fill ourselves up with it and those around us, we become our own central hub of activity. We move forward from there and it seems as if by automatic process the energy builds such that we begin to pulse it out.
As the increasing number of people are beginning to do this, we create a new universal frequency if you like, and a network of harmonic pulsing occurs. This then accelerates and intensifies and has the potential to be synchronistically so powerful that it could change the world as we currently now it. We are already seeing signs of this occurring, and by keeping this pulse active we continue to create resonance and expansion in others.
The key is to keep it simple, this model can be seen in nature, in our physical body and in the universal body. As the carbon atom is the link that binds all material matter so to is this pulse the link to unify our energies. By changing our planet to resonate with this universal pulse we can even change universes.
By choice then we move from a planet that has dwelt in fear and mechanical substrates to a planet that exists and is motivated by a powerful creational force. This then is self seeding and not only does it become sustainable, it begins to create ever expanding wonders. We can live in perpetual creation.
14th October 2008
Earth Bound
You know in the past I have never ever really felt I have belonged here on this earth. It felt like I have lived life as though through a bubble. I know I have touched peoples lives and even helped them move forward. For the most part I have never ever really felt understood. There have been rare times when I have felt understood, these times now have been slowly increasing.
Being in this space you know you are being in your own personal space. If we were to think globally, thoughts like my feelings of not belonging, may be an indication to bring the vibrational frequencies of my origin more aligned with the planet, thereby uplifting self and the planet.
It is time for consciousness to be here, to be brought here. It is only through the power of the multitudes and in thinking globally will this happen. If we abdicate this responsibility due to our personal self doubts, we abdicate life itself. Each and every one of us needs now to place our unique mark in the sand, and then we can watch the dance delightfully unfold. Watch how each of our resonant pieces flow together to form a magnificent cosmic weave of the ebb and flow of life, creating from the chaos a brand new consciousness here on this magnificent planet. One that has never existed before, one than unifies and melds the totality of all of our beingness with the vast dynamic beauty of the geniiosity beingness. Bring into creation the truth of our reality, the truth of our original choices, that we have collectively and uniquely made.
26th August 2008
The New Dance
There is an irrevocable undeniable excitement in the air! Words can not yet touch or describe the feelings that flow through me. My heart pounding in my chest, my voice quivering in trying to express the wonder I feel. Something is about to happen, something never to have occurred in the worlds history before. More than the time of Christ, more than any other significant time in world history. This new consciousness will come on the winds of change and will forever change our way of being.
We will observe in awe and wonder at the power and majesty of its presence. Delight in the recognition, and be thrilled at rediscovering this newly formed relationship. Be inspired by how much power can at the same time be so gentle. Spend timelessness getting to know every nuance of this amazing experience, this amazing new way of being.
We will easily flow from one apparent miracle to another and watch as the world joins in this magnificent dance. We will have in our hands the ability to know this planet as well as all planets, all universes. We will simultaneously know the expansion of life and light and all there is.
We now must be 100% the expression of the godness level. Not try to be, not will be when… not have an off day… be fully the expression of the godness level, and by being so, constantly strengthen the collective. This does not mean we can not make mistakes, yes mistakes can be made but made in the expression of this godness level. Every breath, every thought, every touch be that of a god. Every pulse of our heart, every word uttered, every dinner baked, every moment we sleep we are the expression of god. Through this will land this new level on this plane of existence and will be infused here for all time, for all to experience and know.
15th July 2008
Bulbuous bilious…
Bulbuous billious babbling brook how will though turn out next time I visit. This vast spacious newness captivates my very being all the particles sing and dance in a resonance that transfixes you to the spot of unlimited potential. The fabric of the space has changed it is lighter and silk like as opposed to lattice like. It is web like instead of hexagonal beehive like. Fine silvery unbreakable vast expansive web that encompasses the all of the all of the all.
The web exists in and around a fine mist like energy that passes in and out of every atom and molecule of our existence. With a shift in consciousness we can be either a single particle or the entire depth and breadth of this vastness.
11th July 2008
A New Reality
The ever familiar cosmic lattice dissolved before my eyes, what followed after a moment of mild panic, was amazing. Beyond the dissolving there was a momentary vacuum that then immediately filled with a rush of what looked like stars flooding in, in masses and masses. They came in from the other side of my line of vision as if more than one cosmos entered, possibly more that one universe. The lattice then re-appeared quite transformed, “re-structured” as it were. It had become a silvery unbreakable much lighter continuous thread that wove its way throughout this new starlit heavenly body. It is like an unlimited vast expansive evolving web that encompasses the all of the all of the all, and the possibility of accessing this new reality became overwhelmingly and joyously present.
24th June 2008
Becoming… Become…
When we become the creators of our own beingness we become life itself. Becoming life itself leads to becoming life force. This could equate to becoming god beings. So with this conscious perspective we are beyond “ the Becoming”, we have become! Thus no longer need wars and drama to bring to us the full and true meaning of life. We have become life, and are in a continuum of creation, and in this state live the brilliance of a world destined to be.
As a god being Life truly becomes effortless and easy and “in the flow”, miracles become a known rhythmic dance of creation. Life does unfold miraculously, simply because we said so.
22nd May 2008
Herald the Imagination
Myriad of lenses with which we look through, the light catches your eye and you are momentarily diverted. Just enough to allow you to see beyond the accepted vision. Was it something or just your imagination. Herald the imagination for it is the real truth. Believe what you create in your mind above what people will try to tell you is the logical approach. Innovation came not from logic. It came from the ability to free think, to be loose in the ordinarily structured ways of society. See what is there, that to others is invisible. Allow it to speak to you, to breath life into creation. Now we have stepped from imagination to co-creation.
In this co-creation lies yet another possibility, imagine if you will there are multiple people co-creating, and this multitude co-create collectively and grow an amazing space to become new beings in a collective fashion. Then continue imagining and play with the idea that now not only are we co-creators we can also source this energetic space to be the instigators of this new realm.
We collectively co-create and source our own reality, what limitless beauty abounds. What an amazing new world becoming.
22nd May 2008
The Gift of Being Seen
Awash with emotion, how can one thank someone for the gift of being seen. The beauty and awe for each and every individual gifted. So moved, an immense level of connectedness with so much of life, it entered every fibre of being. How it is to be touched in such a way so with the all, so present and full of the expression of the beings becoming. The trueness permeates every cell and we glow, we literally glow, and this brings the joy, the abundance, the dance of creation. It fulfils us and flows over to meld in with growing levels of this new space. To be a part of this, to be in honouring of this, to be seen and to see, collectively and consciously to see, and to know that we are all perfect is a unique and wondrous recognition. In this space you walk like nobility for it grows inside of you, smiling with this knowingness. You touch others and you in turn are touched, and in this movement we sparkle, sing, create and connect. It is like the fibres of your being reach out and become interwoven with the fibres of the collective, and grace moves toward you, ease moves toward you, life moves toward you. You are truly loved for the being you truly are and this ignites something inside that is now an everlasting flame. For you have been seen consciously and you inturn see consciously, and you in that instant know the beauty of creation and bath in it, and call it present, fully present in each and every being. It is forever. for always, ever growing, ever glowing, ever creating, ever becoming, a continuous miracle, and it too is gifted with being seen.
21st May 2008
Ramblings of an Initiate New…
Ramblings of an initiate New! How does one come to terms with being godlike? For this is the question that we need now ask. We are in the becoming of something huge, massive, right there before our eyes. We need to look in a different way, to how we have ever done before. Shift the perspective from where we always look, and see with brand new eyes, the awe and wonder of the perfecting moment as it reveals itself graciously and tantalisingly in the unfoldment of it’s life.
The rush of incredible joy that comes up to greet you when you initiate movement forward renders one speechless. You laugh and cry all at the same time and it moves you deeply. The simplicity stuns you, the audacity amps you up and the graciousness and ease lifts you into a place of more than belonging, it lifts you to a frequency that holds you solidly yet not rigidly, firmly yet not tight, in complete knowing, a feeling of being safe yet with absolute and total freedom. Such is the paradox of this new realm, how delightful.
While we revel in this space, in this wondrous moment, the frequency lifts even further and we then witness the recognition of consciousness realising itself. As we have woven the pieces of the fabric with our being, we have come to this place of the new collective and it now sees itself. The feeling envelopes you with the silky softness of the night sky and the radiant glow of the first rays of the morning sun. The colours of the rainbow spiral and sparkle in a dance of supreme majesty, and the now is realised, and we are realised, and the becoming becomes, and we collectively rise within this amazing abundant joyous experience, and are a part of this godlike recognition, and we know in that instant all has changed and we begin a new task, a new journey, a new being, the being becomes.
A song is sung and a thread is cast, and as it is woven into the fabric it is also woven within you, and you are hence woven into the fabric. Uniquely you yet part of the weave, there is that paradox again. Collectively with a gracious sort of strength we combine our energies and create a world of magic and play, from which will form the basis of a new civilisation that will be like no other. There will be joy, and there will be growth, and there will be creation beyond creation, and life will rejoice in the beings we have all become, and the being it has become.
17th February 2008
The Present Moment…
Behold the beauty of this present moment -
there is an eternity built into this present moment
Life no longer binds us and tussles us
we now have the knowing
a knowing that transcends all, becomes all
permeates and infuses all
We now connect on a level that bathes us with sovereignty
The expansion of which changes the very essence of us
and sustainably, co-creatively, joyously
we live life
as we have never lived before
16th January 2008
A New Era is here…
There is a space and time and a world of energy that calls to us, it is right here in this very moment. It waits patiently anxiously delightedly for us to wake. Just like a lover would watch their beloved sleep, so too does the energy be with us. The beautiful and enlivening moment between sleep and wakefulness is a dance of sublime playfulness. Then in the next easy moment consciousness is fully present and a new dance begins. Energies weave their creational magic and we all move forward another level into this wondrous newness of now.
Connection becomes complete and thus for always present, and a new era is here.
3rd January 2008
A Collective Realisation – The Tree of Life
I have a nobility that people see
I have a sovereignty that people sense
I have a love for our human nature that is gracious
I have an outstanding love for this planet that can bring me to tears
I have a love for life that is as large as life itself
I have a love for love that is as deep as the core of the being we truly are
I can do it all
I can have it all
I can be it all
with and for the all!
3rd January 2008
A Collective Experience~
The following experience is what led to “The Tree of Life” realisation shown just above…
It was New Years Eve and we were driving back from the coast. Whilst sitting in the car I felt like a giant gentle shift took place. The portal felt like it had resided in the Solar plexus in a vortex fashion. During the trip home this portal moved to the high heart and became like a sun portal. This then emanated elliptical vertical and horizontal gold bands of light spinning through this sun portal. Then my whole being was a ball of golden light it was one of the most beautiful experiences and time stood still. We then moved to the collective and connected to the fabric, and added this golden light pulse to the totality of
Later in the evening of New Years day while witnessing a breakthrough in a friend, it felt like that when reaching deep within my being I did not see liver or kidneys anymore, I saw universes, stars, galaxies and planets. When reaching to the deepest depths of the core of our being, and then reaching to the farthest depths of the core of the godness level, and then creating a strong connection between these two polarities, we breakthrough to full & complete consciousness. I think they are in fact one in the same, just different ends of the same space. A greater consciousness seemed to be created, and a greater ease to bring many others to this self realisation and greater consciousness occurred. There became present no limitations between the physical body and the particles of space, creating a feeling of being fully present yet with a 30 thousand foot view. It was awesome just awesome.
2007 Index
13 December - Written en route home from Egypt - Melbourne to Canberra leg
6 October - Writing from the Evolutionary Courses in Melbourne
22nd December 2007
Magic is again with us…
There is a new found depth to my being that touches me deeply. Looking within is not a new concept, however at this present moment to me it is. It is like looking at life all anew. The deep caverns of our being holds riches beyond mortal comprehension. Bejewelled with the light of our being, shining like the brightest star. Behold you are an amazing delight to the senses. The words “who are you not to be the most amazing being on the planet”, echo as if to say “I told you so”. Then in that simultaneous moment you know that whose ever eyes you next look into you will see another most amazing being. How is it that we have not discovered this before.
You are ready to see, hear, touch and speak all the things that exist in life when your vision becomes wide enough to see the more and the more. Just when you become so overwhelmed by the depths of your “inner magnificence” you realise that your reach outward is just as vast and deep in the cosmic realms, or are they one in the same universe, simply opposite ends. Our inner core is a member of the greater core, and together they co-create a harmony that resonates with the totality of all life everywhere. When we all resonate such, and that day is upon us, the music of the spheres will ring out in joy and elation to herald in the greatest newness. Our consciousness is now required to grow this wondrous newness. To be vigilant yet at the same time to be having fun. When your deeper inner connects with the deeper outer consciously all the secrets that are no longer kept as such are revealed to you and to everyone, in all their truth and simplicity.
There is a fullness to my being, that has never been there before. So incredibly topped up that I feel I could stand in the eye of a storm and create and grow from that point and not once falter.
Magic is again with us…
13th December 2007
Written en route home from Egypt – Melbourne to Canberra leg.
There is a place I know very well – it as yet has not claimed a name – but that is all it has not. A place where we as a collective can live in the manner we were originally destined too. A place where we truly honour one another. A natural state of being. This then is the new platform from which will spring forth great ideas, great abundance, great inspirations and great creativity. Our energy will be free to follow such noble aspects of ourselves not any longer weighed down with that which has been released. Upward spirals in all their unique and dynamic forms will add to this fabric of creation. Our new playing field. Our children will be born into this and only know this and therefore will contribute much. We are to be congratulated for we have paved the way for them. This new world of glory, nobility and a dynamic new spice of life.
6th October 2007
Writing from the Evolutionary Courses in Melbourne.
To honour thy self in 2007 one must first be a little cheeky – this is paramount, it is the first requirement. Then laced within this fabric of joy are the more solid playmates of integrity, authenticity and sovereignty.
Enveloping all of this is this love that’s not just love, this joy that is not just joy, it is this amalgamation of all our emotions that takes us on this wondrous ride called Life.
In this true reality it is what we do with all this that matters. It is the choices we make that has the potential to carry our uniqueness and weave it into the fabric of creation that then creates this amazing new world.