All that has come before us, and all that is yet to come, are the building blocks that make us who we are. When we desire to be more of who we really are, really desire it, with the depth of our knowingness, we move towards greatness. We move towards the unfolding of the essence of who we are. What is created from that is brilliance, brilliance from the core of our being. The recognition and the integration of this generates high frequencies. Within these high frequencies the being finds its rightful co-ordinates and joyfully resides within. It brings a new beingness, a new imprint, releasing and dissolving all that has limited us. We acknowledge and honour our past and lovingly let it go. In its place, comes a generation of creational vibrant beings, bringing a magnitude to this world, that will manifest a world, the likes not seen before. Magical, Creational, Uniquely Brilliant Connected Beings... bringing an Ecstatic, Exquisite, Abundant, Dynamic, Ever-Evolving Existence for us and our World!
I am here to gently yet powerfully challenge you,
to be more of the Being you really are!