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As this website has evolved so too has the enthusiasm, excitement and great anticipation for it to be launched into the wider community. It has also enthused people near and dear to me to want to share the expression of themselves also. Collective Voices has been created as a forum to do just that. Enjoy…
19th March 2009
Coming Home to Myself.
The time, the energy, the consciousness is all at a point conjoined, that now allows us to land ourselves into our human expression. Each cell of the human holds a vast space and there I enter into each and every cell gently, subtlety and gracefully!! Ahhhh- the human me feels like I am finally coming home. I welcome me with open arms, an open heart and tears in my eyes. My human awareness now expands to include the cosmos and I see only connections, perfections and the ‘rightness’ of things. I feel only the joy and wonder of Life! I embrace my Cosmicious Being and feel the excitement bubbling of a grand new adventure ahead!!
Nancy Serpless